Monday, February 1, 2010

A Shocking New Discovery to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

A new treatment has been discovered to help treat erectile dysfunction, however, the men might wince at the thought of this idea. Researchers from Israel have reported promising preliminary results from using low-intensity shock wave therapy to help treat vasculogenic erectile dysfunction (ED).

In fact, 15 out of the 20 patients who suffered from mild or moderate ED who have been treated so far had a significant improvement with their erectile function, and in most cases were able to discontinue treatment with phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors.

Yoram Vardi, M.D., chief of the neuro-urology unit at the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, presented the recent findings at the annual meeting of the European Society for Sexual Medicine. He explained that the low-energy shock wave therapy is being increasingly used to help induce regeneration of small coronary vessels in patients that have angina and who are not suitable for angioplasty or coronary surgery.

The participants in the trial had a score of 12 to 20 on the Erectile Function domain of the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-ED) and abnormal nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT). In all of the cases for the study, ED had a vascular origin and the mean of the duration of ED was 35 months.

During each of the treatment sessions, the low-energy shock wave therapy was applied on the penile shaft and crus for approximately three minutes in each of the five anatomical sites. The shock waves are one-tenth the level of intensity as the shock waves that are used to pulverize kidney stones. The men underwent a three-week course of two weekly treatment sessions and then a second identical round of therapy that started three weeks later. The erectile dysfunction was assessed at the time of enrollment and then four weeks after the end of their treatment.
Vardi said, “The protocol used to enhance vasculogenesis of the ischemic heart is the same one we used to treat ED.” The results showed that the IIEF-ED score improved by more than 5 points in 15 patients, which is approximately 75 percent of the group. Seven out of the 20 patients, or approximately 35 percent, showed an improvement of more than 10 points on the scale. The six-month follow up data showed that 12 out of the 15 patients who improved significantly with the shock treatment said that they no longer needed to use the PDE-5 inhibitors to help treat their condition.

The scores on several other validated ED questionnaires such as Self-Esteem and Relationship Questionnaire, Quality of Erection Questionnaire, and the Erectile Dysfunction Inventory of Treatment Satisfaction also showed significant improvement. The study analysis also showed a significant improvement in the baseline and maximal flow values on a penile endothelial function test.

Dr. Vardi stated, “We are very excited by our findings but it’s important to emphasize that they are preliminary and that further evaluation is needed using sham control and long-term follow-up. And what has been especially gratifying is that patients have told us that they are very pleased with the results and they tell us that they are again having morning erections and they can perform better.”