Monday, February 1, 2010

Natural Remedies for Morning Sickness By: Melanie Grimes

Nothing ruins the glow of pregnancy like morning sickness. Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is a normal but annoying symptom that many women experience as their bodies adjust to the changes of pregnancy. Though the term is “morning” sickness, many women will tell you that their symptoms continue all day and even all night. For most, the nausea ends at the end of the first trimester, but this is not always the case.

Morning sickness can lead to undereating at a time when the mother’s body needs to increase food consumption. Not only does the growing fetus need nutrients, but a balanced blood sugar is one of the leading remedies for morning sickness.

Blood Sugar Control
Eating regularly and frequently balances blood sugar. Include protein at every meal or snack and eat a form of easy-to-digest protein at bedtime, such as yogurt or egg. Some have found relief by eating saltine crackers as soon as they wake in the morning, before getting out of bed.

B Vitamins
It is best to take B vitamins in the form of a complex, though many have suggested that B6 is the main nutrient needed to combat morning sickness. (B6 can help those prone to carsickness as well.)

Bach Flower Remedies
The Bach Flower Remedies known to help with morning sickness include Crab Apple and Rescue Remedy. Crab Apple is associated with cleansing and the mother may feel that a toxin in their system needs to be purified. Rescue Remedy is a general tonic. These gentle herbal infusions are safe for most pregnant women to take.

Herbal Remedies for Morning Sickness
Herbs that have helped prospective mothers to resolve morning sickness include peach tree leaves and raspberry leaf tea. Ginger is known to settle stomach upsets as well. The Motherwort plant is a great friend to mother’s but not particularly for gastric issues. It is an all-around tonic for women.

Homeopathic Remedies for Morning Sickness
Homeopathy has a number of useful remedies for morning sickness.

Nux vomica good remedy for morning sickness or even jaundice in pregnancy. The woman may be constipated and irritable. Nux is one of the main homeopathic remedies found useful for morning sickness, particularly if the mom-to-be is worse in the morning and better by evening.
Pulsatilla is another common remedy for nausea during pregnancy. The mother needing Pulsatilla can be nervous and have a bad taste in her mouth in the morning. For her, nothing tastes good. She might vomit bile or mucus and can be worse in the evening as well as in the morning.
Petroleum is a very useful remedy in treating nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, and for any gastric troubles during pregnancy. The nausea is worse when riding in moving vehicles.
Sepia also treats the nausea of pregnancy when the thought of food exacerbate the nausea. The person needing Sepia is aggravated from not eating and immediately relieved after a small bite of food.
Ipecacuanha is a remedy known to treat nausea in many forms, and the nausea of pregnancy is no exception. The sensation is one of uneasiness in the stomach and vomiting of undigested food.
Graphites treats the type of morning sickness that is accompanied by weakness and trembling or sweats.
Gossypium herbaceum is an herbal remedy particularly useful for ailments of the female organs. Used in herbal medicine to stimulate the ovaries, Gossypium is used in homeopathy to treat the type of morning sickness that is worse from the least motion and that starts soon after waking.
Lobelia treats nausea that is worse from eating warm foods or morning sickness accompanied with a great deal of saliva. This nausea will disappear after a small sip of water.