Saturday, January 9, 2010


The isl& nation of Icel& is a scenic l& of volcanoes & glaciers. It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean between Europe & North America. Although Icel& is hundreds of miles from its nearest European neighbor, Scotl&, it has long been very much a part of European civilization. The capital is Reykjavík.Located just south of the Arctic Circle, Icel& covers an area of 39,699 square miles (102,819 square kilometers). It lies about 200 miles (320 kilometers) southeast of Greenl&, 620 miles (1,000 kilometers) west of Norway, & 500 miles (800 kilometers) northwest of Scotl&. Its coastline is more than 3,000 miles (4,800 kilometers) long. Except in the south, the coastline is indented with many inlets called fjords.Icel& is one of the most active volcanic regions in the world. Some 200 volcanoes dot the isl&. Eruptions of active volcanoes, such as the 4,892-foot (1,491-meter) Hekla, sometimes cause much damage. The isl& of Surtsey, off the southern coast, was formed by volcanic eruptions in the 1960s.Icel& is also known for its many glaciers. Vatna Glacier, the country's largest, is about 3,200 square miles (8,300 square kilometers) in area. In the south Vatna Glacier rises to 6,952 feet (2,119 meters) at Hvannadals Peak, the country's highest point. Water from melting ice on Lang Glacier in central Icel& feeds Gull Falls, one of the isl&'s most popular tourist attractions.Because of a warm ocean current that comes from the south, Icel& is warmer than might be expected for a country so far north. Winters are mild & windy, & summers are damp & cool.

Only about one fourth of Icel& is covered by vegetation. Bogs, moors, & sparse grassl&s are common. Most of the large birch forests once found on the isl& have been cut down, leaving only small patches of woodl&. The government began a program of replanting trees in the 1950s.Foxes were the only l& mammals in Icel& when people settled on the isl&. Reindeer were later introduced & are still found in the northeastern highl&s. The isl& is also home to many types of birds, especially waterfowl. Whales, seals, & a variety of fish are found in the surrounding waters. No reptiles or amphibians live in Icel&.Most of Icel&'s people are descendants of the isl&'s early settlers, who began arriving in the late 9th century AD. The majority of the settlers came from Norway, but many others came from Scotl& & Irel&. The official language, Icel&ic, is spoken throughout the country. The Evangelical Lutheran church is the state church, but people are free to worship as they please.Icel& is a prosperous country with some of the best health & education services in the world. Most people live in cities & towns along the coast, particularly in the southwest. Reykjavík, the capital & largest city, is in this area.Icel& has a rich literary tradition. The works known as sagas, dating back to the 13th century, tell of Icel&ic & Sc&inavian heroes. More recently, Icel&ic people have written notable novels, poems, & dramas.The economy of Icel& depends heavily on fishing & fish processing. Cod is the most important catch. Fish products account for the majority of the country's exports. The main manufacturing industry is aluminum production. Tourism is another important source of income. Many airline passengers visit Icel& while traveling between the United States & Europe.Only a small part of Icel& is suitable for farming. As a result, agriculture on the isl& is based mainly on raising sheep & dairy cattle. Potatoes, hay, & turnips are among the main crops.Icel& was one of the world's first independent, democratic republics. The earliest permanent settlers came to the isl& from Norway in AD 874. A representative form of government, based on a legislature called the Althing, was established in 930. During this period missionaries from Norway brought Christianity to the isl&. In about 1000 Christianity was made the state religion.Icel& was an independent republic until 1262. In that year the Althing decided that Icel& should come under the rule of Norway. Then, in 1380, Denmark took over both Icel& & Norway. The Althing was abolished in 1800.In the 19th century the people of Icel& started a movement for independence from Denmark. The Althing was reestablished in 1845, & in 1904 the isl& was granted its own national government. Icel& became an independent state in 1918 but kept some ties to Denmark. In 1944 the isl& finally proclaimed itself a fully independent republic.First British & then U.S. troops occupied Icel& during World War II (1939–45). The U.S. forces left the country in 1946. Three years later Icel& became a founding member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Membership in NATO is especially important for Icel& because the country has no military forces.The people of Icel& elected Vigdís Finnbogadóttir as president in 1980. She was the world's first elected woman president. She served four terms before retiring in 1996. Population (2001 estimate), 284,000.