Saturday, December 26, 2009


The city of Saint-Denis is the capital of the French-owned island of Réunion in the western Indian Ocean. It lies near the mouth of the Saint-Denis River on the north coast of the island. It is wedged between the ocean and a range of volcanic mountains that rise up sharply behind it.

The architecture of Saint-Denis shows the influence of the French. Notable buildings include the town hall and the cathedral. Saint-Denis also has several libraries, a natural history museum, and a university.

Saint-Denis serves primarily as a center of government, and many of its residents work in government-related jobs. Others are employed in service industries that support tourism, including restaurants, banks, and hotels. The city has an international airport.

Réunion was uninhabited until the French settled it in the 17th century. The island was used as a resting point for ships that rounded the southern tip of Africa on their way to India. French officials soon established Saint-Denis as the capital and main port of Réunion. However, unpredictable winds and strong tides eventually caused problems for many boats entering the port. As a result, authorities in the 1880s created an artificial harbor at Le Port, on the northwest coast, and made it the island's new main port. Twelve miles (19 kilometers) of scenic highway along the coast connect the two port cities. Population (1999 estimate), 131,560.