Saturday, December 26, 2009

Port Moresby


Port Moresby is the capital of Papua New Guinea, an island nation in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The city is on the southern coast of New Guinea, a large island that is divided between Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. Port Moresby survived a bombing campaign by the Japanese during World War II.

Places of interest

Although the city dates back more than a century, most of the buildings from its past are gone. The Ela United Church is one of the oldest structures still standing in Port Moresby. It was built in 1890 by English missionaries in their quest to spread the Christian religion. An interesting new building is Parliament House, the home of the national parliament. The city's Koki Market is a bustling marketplace. Port Moresby is also home to several universities and a national museum and art gallery.


Papua New Guinea's manufacturing is concentrated in Port Moresby. Food processing is a major activity. The port is an important part of the city's economy, providing docking space for large ships. Through it are shipped the country's exports, including metals, petroleum, coffee, cocoa beans, and palm oil. An international airport, Jackson's Airport, lies just outside the town.


The island of New Guinea has been inhabited for thousands of years. People called the Motu lived in the Port Moresby region at the time Europeans arrived. The city grew out of a settlement along the harbor, which was explored in 1873 by the British naval captain John Moresby. Moresby later gave the town his own family name. The British took control of the area in 1883–84 and made Port Moresby their headquarters in the region.

During World War II, the Japanese attempted to capture Port Moresby. In May 1942 they were turned back in the battle of the Coral Sea. Japanese bombing raids caused serious damage to the city. After the war, the Australian Territory of Papua and New Guinea was formed and the city was rebuilt as its capital. When Papua New Guinea gained full independence in 1975, Port Moresby became capital of the new nation. Population, city (1997 estimate), 271,813; National Capital District (1999 estimate), 298,145.