Wednesday, December 16, 2009

latest technologies

The Leading Edge: Manufacturing Technologies to WatchInnovations are being driven by globalization, as devices are growing smaller, smarter and more connected.When held in your hands, a sheet of buckypaper seems unimpressive, with its thin and flimsy texture more closely resembling a piece of carbon paper than a breakthrough material. But don't be fooled. This seemingly modest sheet of paper -- made from tube-shaped carbon molecules 50,000 times thinner than a human hair -- when stacked, nets a material that's 500 times stronger than steel, yet 10 times lighter.Buckypaper's strength is only equaled by its unique properties. Unlike conventional composite materials, it conducts electricity similar to copper or silicon, yet disperses heat like steel or brass. As a material, buckypaper holds the promise of changing the way airplanes, automobiles and electronics are made.