Thursday, December 17, 2009


he unusual mammal called the aardvark was named by South Africans in the early 19th century. In the local language, Afrikaans, “aardvark” means “earth pig.” This name aptly describes a large, heavily built animal with thin hair and short, stumpy legs. The aardvark can reach a length of 6 feet (1.8 meters). Its head has huge donkeylike ears, a long snout, and drooping eyelids with long lashes.

Aardvarks, which are also called ant bears, live in dry places in Africa south of the Sahara Desert. During the day they sleep in underground burrows. At night they dig underground for their favorite food, termites. Aardvarks use their sensitive snouts to detect these insects. They break open the termites' nests with their massive, flattened claws and suck up the insects with their long tongues. Although they are not aggressive animals, aardvarks can defend themselves by lashing out with their claws. They can also dig very quickly to bury themselves.

Female aardvarks give birth to one baby per year. After a few weeks the baby begins to follow its mother around. It feeds and travels with her for about six months until it becomes more independent.

Scientists classify aardvarks in a group called the Tubulidentata, meaning “tube-toothed.” The tubular teeth have no enamel or roots. The scientific name of the aardvark is Orycterops afer.